(Click on images to enlarge)
Striped greenhood (Diplodium robustrom) I think. |
Wallflower orchid (Diurus longifolia) |
Tall Sun orchid (Thelymitra media) |
Tall Sun Orchid (detail) |
Hyacinth Orchid (Dipodium punctatum) |
Hyacinth Orchid (detail) |
Common Bird-Orchid (Chiloglottis gunnii) |
Purplish Beard Orchid (Calochilus robertsonii) |
Waxlip Orchid (Glossodia major) |
Common Onion Orchid (Microstis unifolia) |
Austral Leek Orchid (Prasophyllum autrale) |
Pink Fingers (Caladenia carnea) |
Tasman Flax-lilly (Daianella tasmanica) |
Black-anther Flax-lilly (Dianella revoluta) |
Chocolate Lilly (Dichopogon strictus) |
Chocolate Lilly detail |
Common Fringe Lilly (Thysanotus tuberosus) |
Early Nancy (Wurmbea dioica) |
Milkmaids (Burchardia umbellata) |
Matt Rush (Lomandra filformis) |
Unidentified |
Probable introduced species, only observed on verges of pedestrian and vehicular tracks.
Unidentfied (Suspect vanilla lilly Athropodium sp) |
Small Grass Tree (Xanthorrhoea minor) |
Yellow Rush-lily (Tricoryne elatior) |
Unidentified |